
I wish briefly to tell you, linkendl personally for me it is a wonderful place for the one who loves computers all can learn, I’m talking about the program as a program, may soon be different, I know after this many will say frustrated, I did 92 other I’m not frustrated from Bosnia I and we all know what it was 92, but not talk about how great minds have concluded for this program had good intentions chosen who will train the thou whom many people, however these people are talking now in my time have led me say here doing nothing destined not even ask, I myriad data code into our, I expect us to be man show at least one example of what I do not is not said to me I do not know the other, is this my terrible English, or that I in his monkey, it is that his brain too much stronger than mine that I do not want anything to understand, suddenly appears the phenomenon that I need to pay training mean in itself that the training he believes left link and they want to be on social networks do blogs slides all, I after I knew something already I’m oncoming and slowly wedding party, no not even to say hello to ask should they aid code receive not know Britain are, time passes  think dace probably higher salary for the sake of clicks how you get to your blog and link to blog, slide were both safe left me I have to do I do not know the other, I’m not a sycophant nor I will ever be, says open’m firm in order to do it ask the vault for help because I get really good deals can not get there I should be more people all for the firm, I to access a group of morning safe we ​​quit writes fine you do not belong here or more are I go there he asked the people to do the job without me wrong, we need to say we are going to do you you do something else, and not fired without explanation but that the man who is  job wants me me hit and I all bust say to a man that can not and bye it broke my heart since then no mam forces that for this program linkendl to fight stay until 3 in the morning to I do slides posts bl Og all normal that no one will believe me than those above will believe it there for God knows how much I’m told because my heart pressure’ll leave to our Bosnian and English if when you fail to read at least my compatriots will know what everyone can happen
Želim ukratko da ti kažem, linkendl osobno za mene je to divno mjesto za one koji voli kompjutere, ja govorim o programu kao program može naučiti, možda uskoro biti drugačiji, znam da će nakon ovog mnogi kažu frustriran jesam 92 drugih nisam frustriran iz Bosne sam i svi znamo šta je bilo 92, ali ne govorimo o tome kako veliki umovi zaključili za ovaj program odabrao je dobre namjere, koji će obučavati ti kojih su mnogi ljudi, međutim, ovi ljudi govorimo sada u moje vrijeme doveli su mi da kažem ništa ne radi predodređen ni pitati, bezbroj sam kod podataka u naš, očekujem da budemo man show barem jedan primjer onoga što ja ne nije rekao da me ne znam s druge strane, je ovo moja strašna engleskom, ili da mu se u majmuna, to je da je njegov mozak previše jača od moje da ja ne želim ništa da shvate, iznenada se pojavi fenomen koji moram platiti obuku znači samo po sebi da je obuka on vjeruje lijevo link i žele da budu na društvenim mrežama ne b za rezanje klizi sve, ja nakon što sam znao već sam dolazećih i polako svatove, nema čak ni da pozdravim pitati treba da pomogne kod primaju ne znam Britanije nešto su, vrijeme prolazi ajd mislim dace vjerovatno veću platu zbog klikova kako ti na blog i link na blog, klizalište su bili sigurno me ostavio moram da radim, ne znam s druge strane, ja nisam ulizica, niti ću ikada biti, kaže open’m čvrsto kako se to radi pitati trezor za pomoć jer imam dobre poslove ne može dobiti tu bih trebao biti više ljudi sve za firmu, sam da pristupite grupi jutra sigurno mi otkaz, piše u redu da ne pripadate ovdje ili više su odem tamo pitao ljude da rade posao bez mene pogrešno, treba reći ćemo da si nešto drugo, a ne otkaz bez obrazloženja, ali da me je čovjek koji je pogadao posao želi me je udario i ja sve bista reći da to čovjek koji se ne i zbogom slomio moje srce od tada ne mam snage da je za ovaj program linkendl da se bore boravak do 3 ujutro da radim slajdove poruke bl Og sve normalno je da me niko ne vjeruju od onih koji su iznad će vjerujem da Bog zna koliko su mi rekli, jer moje srce pressure’ll ostaviti naše bosanskom i engleskom jeziku, ako kada ne pročitajte barem moje sunarodnike će znati šta sve može da se desiborisblog6